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Mrs. LaFors began painting as a teenager, and her art has been a life long interest. She is primarily self taught, but has taken various classes, one specifically with Gene Franks, artist and author in San Bernardino, CA.

She is a realist painter and works in various media: oils, watercolors, oil and chalk pastels, acrylics and pencils. She has a BS from the University of Colorado in Political Science and has lived in Japan, Germany, and 11 different states.

This has given her an appreciation of a wide variety of subject matter. She does one-of-a-kind paintings. She has been a member of several art leagues and credits her exposure to demonstrations, juried art shows, and interactions with other artists as part of her training. She has read extensively on art history, contemporary artists and art materials. She is an avid art museum patron having visited museums in Ireland, England, Germany, Holland, Austria, France, Spain, Norway, Turkey, Egypt, Japan, China, Mexico and Peru, and throughout the United States.


As a realist she appreciates and is inspired by the technical abilities of so many of the world's great artists: Ingres, Jacques-Louis David, Ingres, Garret Dou, Alma-Tadema, Canelleto, Durer, Vermeer, van Dyck, Vermeer, Holbein the Younger, Burne-Jones, Morris, Chardin, Marie Vigee-Lebrun, Degas, Eugene Boudin, Fantin-Latour, De Heem, Marrel, van Veerendael, Raeburn, Cezanne, Matisse, Dali, Klimt, Church, Bierstadt, Raphaelle Peale, Gilbert Stuart, Sully, Kensett, Pyle, Cassatt, Harnett, Homer, Hokusai, and Harunobu . She also appreciates modern/impressionists art.


She celebrates the creative nature of each person as a human being, and encourages everyone to explore their creative side and apply it to every discipline. She encourages her students to stretch themselves, to explore, to experiment, and to always be an avid learner.


She acknowledges that while not everyone can be a totally dedicated artist, we can live multi-dementional lives and that we do not have to sacrifice family or other endeavors to pursue our passions. She supports Liberal Arts and the ability to be able to adapt to different circumstances and challenges.